Monday, June 14, 2010

On The Fringe Of Science...

A few weeks ago, a great tragedy befell the world of television; Lost ended after a run of six seasons. Being a great fan of Lost, I undertook a customary mourning period, and now I am back in the game, and ready to find a new tv obsession. But, what to watch? I enjoy comedies such as The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother, but they are nowhere near as absorbing as show which demonstrates real character development. As much as I love Sheldon, Penny, Barney and the others, it's just not the same kind of love that I feel for Sawyer, Charlie and the rest of the Losties. As for CSI/NCIS/Law & Order, and the various other criminal-type, acronym-using shows, they fail to interest me for more than one or two episodes. I guess I could try Grey's Anatomy, but do I really have the energy to start a show that already has six seasons out? No, I do not. So I turned to Fringe. Created by JJ Abrams, I decided that it could be no less than brilliant in concept, if nothing else.
After watching the first episode of Fringe, I was able to make several deductions:
1) JJ Abrams has an obsession with planes. Also, the number 108 was slipped into conversation, but that may have been an actual nod to Lost.
2) Michael Giacchino has a very distinctive musical style. I smiled to myself everytime theme music started to play in the background (hey, I am not Lost obsessed, I am just observant).
3) Fringe is nothing like Heroes, as I had originally thought it might be. If I had to compare it to another show, I would chose the X-Files.
I am trying to stop myself fom scoffing when words such as "re-animation" and "mind-control" are usesd, and remind myself that I had no problem with Heroes making use of similar concepts (although I did, at first, have a huge problem with Lost's use of time travel). Fringe seems like a good show so far, I will continue to watch it. I am trying to keep an open mind, and not to hate it as I did Jericho simply because it had replaced Heroes.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Caught In The Crossfire

In late April of 2010, a strange phenomenon could be observed when logging onto the website of my favourite band. bore what could only be described as a countdown. The countdown was set to end at 8pm, Thursday April 29th local time. What was being counted down to, no one knew. Speculation was rife; a new single, a covers album, an end to the hiatus, a countdown to a break-up (but surely they wouldn't be so sadistic), and even perhaps a countdown to a Brandon Flowers solo album. I laughed the last one off, seriously, solo album? Why would they announce that on the band's official website? Well, obviously I was in for quite a shock when the countdown ended and I found out that it was indeed a solo album! Minutes later, I heard that the title of this Solo Album was "Flamingo". Uh, okay then. I turned off my computer and went to sleep, highly, highly put out. So much so that I changed my desktop background, which had been a picture I'd taken during the concert I went to last December, and even removed Hot Fuss from my car cd player, replacing it with the angry rock sounds of Bon Jovi for three whole days.
Eventually I couldn't take not listening to Mr. Brightside on my way to lectures or Everything Will Be Alright after supper, so I forgave them. However, I was still not impressed with the idea of Flamingo.
Fast forward a few months to mid-June. It's the day of the Fifa World Cup kick-off. I am South African, which means that my life had pretty much revolved around soccer for the last week or so. This meant that I was completely oblivious to the fact that a certain radio station had been claiming that they were to play Brandon's first single, Crossfire that very day. A few hours before this monumental event (and I'm not talking about kick-off), Twitter enlightened me as to the fact that I could potentially be hearing Crossfire that very day. Using all of my very limited technological know-how, I managed to stream this very station and, lo and behold, hear Crossfire! I also attempted to record it on my cellphone as it was playing (remove that judging face, please, I bet you did the same thing), but all I could hear on the recording was myself screaming (oh dear, i'm not doing much to prove that I'm not an obsessive fan-girl, am I?). I was on a complete high, I loved the song! Only later did I find out that it had been an illegal leak of the song. I felt terrrible about having listened to it, but I didn't know that it had been played without permission. I am the type of person that, had I known, I would probably have launched an active protest against the station. No, I'm serious, I actively boycott not only Chris Brown and Kanye West for their various misdemenours, but also plastic bags, for their general environmental degredation, but that's another story altogether.
Anyway, back to Crossfire. I must say that I am extremely impressed. I'm still not completely happy about Brandon going solo, it just makes me sad as I'm so attached to the band as a whole, but the song is a masterpiece. I have also managed to procure an image of the cover artwork for the single, sadi image is now the wallpaper background on my cellphone. Okay, okay, do it, call me a fangirl, I can handle it!
I greatly look forward to hearing Crossfire played on the radio once it has been released officially. I wish Brandon nothing but luck with his solo career, and nothing will make me happier than seeing Crossfire soar to the top of the charts, but really, the sooner the boys re-unite for a 4th studio album, the happier I will be.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't Call My Name, GaGa!

The day is saturday, the 10th of April, 2010. I am packing to go back to varsity after the Easter break, when an unfamiliar songs comes on the radio. Within a minute I am rolling around my bed in fits of laughter, as Lady Gaga sings animatedly about a lover named Alejandro. I am strongly remined of Maya's twin brother in season 2 of Heroes. I think this is why I took to the song immediately. I am by no means a Gaga fan. Yes, I like Paparazzi very much, and Boys Boys Boys is tolerable, though that may simply be because of The Killers reference. Play Lovegame, however, and I may become violent.
The video for Alejandro premierd today, and I really look forward to seeing it. Gaga may be crazy (and may be a man, but that's a whole other story), but she sure does know how to make a music video that gets people talking. Whether she's killing her boyfriend or breaking out of jail, I will admit that Gaga's videos are pieces of art- very, very strange art- and Alejandro is sure to be no different.