Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Is War

Upon a visit to Twitter tonight, one will see the words "Jared Leto" under the list of trending topics. Pause, catch your breathe. This time, it's not his sheer beauty that has the world talking.

Seems Mr. Leto has gotten himself into a right pickle over his actions towards a fan at a concert. Said fan, a young Brazillian girl has become highly offended, and claims to have lost all respect for her favourite singer after seeing him live in concert. Confused yet? Read on...

The girl and her mother attended a 30 Seconds To Mars concert as a treat for the girl's birthday, they were positioned directly in front of the stage, at the barrier. People pushed and shoved, as they tend to do at concerts (It probably wasn't such a great idea to have one's first gig be 30 Seconds To Mars anyway, just saying). Jared then apparently make quite a rude sign involving his middle finger, because the girl's mom wasn't singing along. The girl began to cry as she was pushed and shoved more and more. She says Jared then proceeded to call her mom a "pain in the ass", and then just happened to call her on stage.
Videos on Youtube back up her story. Or do they? In the videos, Jared asks "is that your sister?" a voice replies to the affirmative (first sign of a language barrier, perhaps?). Jared does in fact ask if she is being a pain in the ass, and after the girl says "no", he says that he thinks she is, and invites the girl on stage.

Well then, personally I fail to see what the problem is! Perhaps he was joking and they didn't realize. Perhaps it was noisy and they couldn't hear him. Perhaps I'm wrong, I don't know the entire situation and therefore cannot pass judgement, but in my own humble opinion, it's really not worth all the fuss that is being kicked up.